When my family visited the Adirondack mountains last summer, I summed up our adventures in a single blog post. On that trip, due to Covid and quarantine restrictions, we weren’t able to do as much. This trip, though, was so much fun, and so jam packed, I can’t do just one post! Here’s hoping someday that some of my readers get to explore this amazing park!
On our first full day in the mountains, we decided to explore North River and North Creek, NY, two areas we hadn’t explored much in the past. And what could be more fitting than to hike a mountain called Balm of Gilead on a beautiful Sunday morning? I found this hike in a book called Kids on the Trail, and it seemed like a great choice for my kids.

We quickly discovered the directions to the trailhead were not as clear cut as we’d hoped. If you go, follow Thirteenth Lake Road as it winds far back and away from Route 28 in North River. After 4 miles or so, turn right onto Old Farm Clearing Road, a dirt road. Follow this road past cottages until you reach the cross country ski shop. It rents out skis in the winter and mountain bikes in the summer. There are also bathrooms that visitors can use!
Now I’m sure you are wondering where the trailhead is…. Standing in front of the ski shop, turn completely around until you spot tennis courts. There are signs there pointing you up a steep dirt road. Make sure you spray yourself liberally with bug spray before starting. We did as the bug population was fierce!

Shortly past the sign for the mtn, you will see a trail on your right leading into the woods. We got very confused at this juncture as Kids on the Trail was not clear with its directions! My father had a map handy, and we were able to double check. We made the right, and immediately came to a fork, where we went right again. After this, we were able to follow the trail markers easily. The trail started out fairly flat, and wound through the woods.

We came across more trail junctions, but these were well marked.

There was only one stream crossing, and we didn’t have to rock hop. There were logs laid across for easier passage.

When we came our fourth and final turn toward the summit, that is when the trail began to climb!

Kids on the Trail said the trail would get steeper, but they never mentioned that this final half mile would steeply climb with no switchbacks, and no level areas to briefly take breaks. Pebble tired quickly, and ended up riding on my back for the majority of this final climb. Rainbow kept asking if we were there yet, and Stormy kept stopping to grab sips of water from her bottle.
Eventually, we started to see daylight through the trees on all sides of us. Shortly thereafter we reached the summit, and the views were amazing!!

There was a great breeze blowing too, which helped to cool us all down. All three girls happily clambered onto the rocks, and started chowing down on trail mix. Before we’d left the cabin that morning, I’d let the girls choose their snacks. Each chose some combo of pretzel sticks, pb pretzels, peanut m&ms, and marshmallows. They needed a yummy reward for the climb! FYI… If you climb this mountain with littles, be forewarned there is a serious drop-off at the summit. We kept the girls well back from the edge!
We stayed up top long enough to snap photos and fuel up. My dad used his map to name the peaks we could see. We could hear rain coming across the mountains toward us, and left the summit as it began to fall. The trees over the trail sheltered us most of the way downhill, and Pebble managed to climb down herself holding my hand. She insisted more than once on being the leader.

The rain slackened off on our hike down, and began again when we reached the car. It was a fun excursion, and short enough for families to do. Just be forewarned that you will def be in for a climb!
If you have time after hiking, I highly recommend driving further south down Route 28 to North Creek. We got a delicious lunch there at Izzy’s Market and Deli. I had the Showcase, yum!

After lunch, we checked out the Mosaic Project. It is beyond amazing!

Our final stop in North Creek on our jam packed first day of vacation, was the historic train station. My girls loved the model train inside the museum.

By the time we finished exploring the train station, the girls were shot. Pebble had fallen asleep once already between the mountain and North Creek. She was more than ready to head back to the cabin and unwind. Stormy and Rainbow weren’t far behind her. It was a busy day, but I’d recommend everything we did and saw in a heartbeat! Happy trails!